Safe Harbors Corporate Travel Management

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Understanding the Importance of a Travel Risk Plan for Employees

Businesses take on significant risks when they send their employees abroad. It is the responsibility of the corporation to ensure that its employees are protected, and a travel risk plan helps address the personal, financial, and liability risks that occur. The importance of a travel risk plan is significant, as it should detail the policies and procedures needed to mitigate risk for the organization.

1) Avoid Legal Risks

Failure to keep a safety protocol and strategy for employees to implement in the event of an emergency can lead to a lawsuit and other legal battles. It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure employees are properly trained and protected before traveling.

2) Aid in Medical Emergencies

Part of implementing a travel risk management plan is learning about employees' pre-existing medical conditions and health care coverage available in the destination of interest. By equipping your employees with the proper resources for a healthy trip, such as where to go in case of a medical emergency, how to prevent one, etc. you can reduce their risk for suffering from a major medical emergency.

3) Find Your Employees Quicker During a Crisis

By implementing a travel risk management plan, you can instruct employees where to meet, who to go to, and how to contact someone from the company. With proper tools, you can even track employees to find them and make sure they are safe.

4) Protect Your Employees

At Safe Harbors Business Travel, we believe in the safety of all of our clients. While we understand you cannot prevent every emergency or crisis happening during business travel, a travel risk management plan will help prevent your employees from encountering danger and will allow them to receive the help they need in a crisis.

Contact one of our expert consultants to discuss how you can properly implement a travel risk management plan with your company.

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