Since 1985, Safe Harbors Business Travel has effectively served at the pleasure of a diverse range of client companies, organizations and individuals throughout the world.
Our longevity and success is due in no small part to consistently providing the lowest domestic and international airfares and related travel services through our buying power, experience and knowledge of the travel industry.
Throughout four decades, Safe Harbors Business Travel has enjoyed remarkable, economically beneficial service relationships with its clients. Our staff of highly-trained and experienced travel experts is at your service to facilitate travel for you and your employees efficiently, safely, on time and within your fiscal expectations.
Our Mission
You will find that with Safe Harbors Business Travel, a “mission statement” isn’t just some corporate identity filler we drag out and dust off to fill space on our website. We actually believe it and adhere to it. Our staff operates under it. Our mission is our raison d'être and our very real philosophy. We employ it every day in staff meetings, client and employee reviews, business development and the numerous areas of service we provide.
We mean it, and it is this:
Safe Harbors Business Travel’s mission is to provide the highest quality level of service to our travel clients and to maintain this level of service through laser focus on our clients’ needs.
“It’s obvious to me that what prompted me to send this email is really “just another day at the office” for all of you, but I wanted to point out that what you all do daily is in stark contrast to what I’ve experienced with four different travel management companies thus far. You truly are customer centric, responsive, helpful and effective.”
Safe Harbors Business Travel adheres to the impeccable standards of client service developed by the Ritz-Carlton Leadership Center and selectively offered through its Journey to Service Excellence program. The Journey to Service Excellence program includes the strategies and concepts that “produce a sustainable culture of service excellence at The Ritz-Carlton.”
Safe Harbors senior-level employees in key management and supervisory roles have participated in this defining program. Accordingly, its curriculum is now at the core of Safe Harbors Business Travel’s internal comprehensive training structure, the expectations we have for every employee, and our culture.